Comprehensive Industrial Environmental Compliance

The Project: Comprehensive Industrial Environmental Permitting

đź“ŤTrenton, Mercer County, New Jersey

The Challenge

EARTHRES was contracted by the client to provide routine, general and on-call comprehensive industrial environmental compliance consulting services for their facility located in Mercer County, New Jersey.

To assist our client, EARTHRES routinely reviewed federal, state and local regulations for general environmental compliance as well as completed industrial compliance and permitting projects on various projects throughout the company.

The Solution

Comprehensive Industrial Environmental Compliance and Permitting – Mercer County, New Jersey
Air Quality Permitting and Compliance

EARTHRES prepared permit modification applications in RADIUS for new or relocated equipment, prepared general permits and submitted renewal fees.  In addition, we assisted with recordkeeping, reporting, and monitoring compliance requirements as identified in the facilities air quality permits.

NPDES – Stormwater Permitting and Compliance

Permit modification applications were prepared for the NPDES stormwater permit and we also assisted with recordkeeping, reporting, and monitoring compliance requirements as identified in the current permit. In addition, EARTHRES prepared updates to the client’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Best Management Practices and facility map to meet current permit requirements.

Community Right-to-Know Reporting

Prepared and submitted annual Community Right-to-Know (CRTK) report for the facility. As part of the reporting process, EARTHRES reviewed chemical inventory data for inclusion in the CRTK report and prepared the CRTK report using the NJDEP online system. EARTHRES provided a draft CRTK report for review and comment prior to electronic submittal.

RCRA-Hazardous Waste and Universal Waste Compliance

EARTHRES provided assistance in complying with waste regulations.  Our assistance included preparing waste profiles and waste determinations, determining generator status, updating the Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan and Universal Waste Management Plan and submitting waste reports.

Environmental Management System – ISO 14001

EARTHRES prepared an Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual and Database in accordance with the Second Edition International Standard ISO 14001.  The project included a review of existing environmental management programs; identification, evaluation and control of environmental aspects; identification and review of legal requirements, documenting EMS structure and responsibilities, and developing a training matrix and a master document list.

The Results

All business areas are now properly permitted and compliant with federal, state and local environmental regulations. An ISO 14001 Environmental Management System manual and database have been outlined and personnel trained on implementation.

EARTHRES is Engineering for SuccessSM